Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wild guess.

Guess You-know-who.

1) Tom Marvolo Riddle - One of the founders of Hogwarts himself namely, Salazar Slytherin.


2) Voldemort is a split personality of Harry himself (my bet) - Another connection, Prof Snape giving off his life in the end to save Harry, thats the whole point of even Dumbledore to die in the hands of Snape. All the death eaters, malfoys, Blacks, are nothing but doing good in controlling Harry's other side. Sounds crazy huh?


Unknown said...

I disagree... this is what I think... Dumbledore was cornered and without his wand... He couldn't fight and even if he could he may not have with Draco in danger of getting caught in the cross-fire... Snape is the key.. no one knows which side of the fence he is in.. not even Volde.. uh i mean You-Know-Who :)... so Dumbledore made Snape use legimens and instructed him to avada-kedarva him(whew!!).. come on guys.. think about it.. what has dumbledore got to loose.. he was dying anyway but by making snape kill him, he gets harry an ally in the opposite camp..

Vijay said...

hmm... with harry and you-know-who to confront anyway, this sacrifice will be of any help?

on this confrontation harry die along or kill the Volde... shh he-who-must-not-be-named. If this sacrifice is of any importance then it should be Snape helping harry to kill you-know-who. Isnt the plot outcome pretty obvious then?