Sunday, September 11, 2005

My cousins' concert

My cousins' concert Posted by Picasa

After a long time, I attended something called Carnatic Music concert, that too by my cousins (2nd and 4th from left). Let me confess onething that, unlike both of my parents, I am totally alien to this kind of music. As I was more comfortable with film instrumental songs, western classical, pops, rock or melodies for that matter, but carnatic music was something different, or puzzling quite frankly. But today it was different, I enjoyed it! I was totally immersed by the sync. with which those three violinists played. Perfectly spellbinding.

Sometimes it requires enough maturity & time to taste the essence of beauty in life.


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Vijay said...

Quote : "Sometimes it requires enough maturity & time to taste the essence of beauty in life".

True. Very true.

and dude, do something about the spam !

Sudhakar said...

Spam spam spam in your commenting section :-)

Vijay said...

got it... but where to report it da... it didnt see any 'contact us' section in or shall i contact directly?