Sunday, December 19, 2004

My Life

I chose to learn english to better communicate and know world.
I chose tamil to taste its literature and its culture.
I chose AVM School to be part of the thespian community and learn histrionics.
I chose Biology to enjoy the intricacies of human body.
I chose REC Trichy to know, to feel, to understand cultures spread across India.
I chose computer science to understand and hone my analytical skill.
I chose STMicroelectronics not just for a job, but also for the blue color(my favorite) it was donning all the way.
I chose to go to France to understand the french mentality and see their majestic passion for arts.
I chose to live.

I wish I had my 24 years of life like this but

I was chosen to learn english the de facto language.
I was chosen to learn tamil to get incentives in my place.
I was chosen for AVM school for a better score in 12th.
I was chosen for Biology, there was no option.
I was chosen to the REC Trichy, still wondering how?
I was chosen to computer science, you know everyone does it for the money.
I was chosen to STMicroelectronics, no one knows why?
I was chosen to go to france for 3 months, so that I would be in the company for next 30 years.
I was chosen to live, and I am trying hard not to die.

Thank you God.


S m i t h a said...

Good one dude. Just a few name changes and it could be me writing the post!

Unknown said...

kalakara da...its as though u and me think together..i think i told u
this even in college is life...i always think of messaging u
everytime i see ur orcut profile
i am joining BIM this year again to trichy

Gaurav Gandhi said...

cool dude ... cant agree more :P